Thursday, 16 August 2007
« SOSEX - A New Debugging Extension for Ma... | Main | SOSEX Updated - v1.1 Available »

One of the top search phrases I get is "Unable to obtain IXCLRDataProcess".  The reason you're getting this is likely because you are using the !bpsc or !bpmo extensions before the CLR has been initialized.  If you try to run these extensions at the initial process breakpoint, they won't work because the runtime has not been loaded.  I'm hoping to have this corrected for the next release of SOSEX so that !bpsc and !bpmo are saved and then executed when the runtime has initialized.

Thursday, 16 August 2007 12:56:00 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)  #    Disclaimer  |  Comments [2]  |  Trackback